Thursday, May 3, 2012

Muggy and Sticky

How is it that I can't come up with the things I want to say whenever I open up a new blog post? The whole purpose of this blog is to vent whatever emotions and desultory thoughts that run through my mind, but my posts never form out exactly as how I want them to--I wish I were able to accurately depict the thoughts that run through my head exactly as they're formulated, but woe unto me. The little tirades and revelations that swim through my mind throughout the day just seem to scatter like whenever they're confronted with a blank document!

SO, I finally did what any memory-impaired person would take the precaution to do and jotted down terse phrases as a reminder of the topics that I'd like to write about. Starting from the beginning of the day, my mind seems to be perpetually wondering about various matters, mostly in introspection (I sometimes consider myself rather self-absorbed, which unfortunately has a negative connotation).

Today's weather (always the first thing I notice in the mornings) started slightly foggy. What's worse is that the day's increasing mugginess only imbibed a deeper lethargy and, for some, restlessness--not conducive to competitive sports or the general mood. In other words, the weather set the mood for the rest of the day, despite its purported insignificance in life (hullo, seasonal affective disorder).

Mornings start off usually with a bowl of oatmeal and a fried egg.
How salutary! This was also accompanied by a pan-fried 100% rye
sourdough flatbread, rolled as a result of my  ignorance about using rye flour).

Firstly, I'd like to thank my mom, for showing everyone you know this website. /sarcasm. In addition, my mom told me that I am loved by one of her co-workers. Why? Because I'd make "a good wife" for any of his potential nephews or nieces. Uh, what? You have no idea how hard I laughed at this.

Reasons I imagine that I would NOT make a good (traditional) wife:
• I am headstrong, controlling, domineering, and assertive. Wait, does that count as several reasons? I like to be in control of my circumstances and easily become all anal when someone tries to interfere.
• I must win every argument, even if it requires shouting at the top of my lungs or clawing the opposing victim arguer into submission.
• I am often vexed when it comes to matters of romance or love, since the left side of my brain completely overpowers the emotions of frontal lobe and fails to see the rationale for love-driven actions and meaningless depression resulting from said actions (or lack of)...if that makes sense...
• I am an elephant. I stampede like one. I trumpet like one. I am as short-sighted as one (both figuratively and literally). And I'm proud of it.
• I dislike cleaning with a passion. I ain't cleaning up yo' shizz.
• I like concocting creative (note, not necessarily delicious) recipes in the kitchen. And it's healthy food--the bane of most people I know.
• I am demanding. "Go do (insert whatever menial task that I deem one to be able to accomplish without screwing everything up)." I even command my mother around. Geez, I'm lucky that she's so tolerant, now that I think about it...
• I'm sure there are far more....

Wow, I feel a bit like a misandrist, just a little. Speaking of hate, I must validate this theory: mean people are mean because a) they lack the gift of intelligence and foresight to determine the consequences of their actions, b) they are deaf, blind, or in some way, physically debilitated, thus rendered oblivious to their surroundings, potentially coming off as "mean," or c) to hide their own insecurities (whether it may have derived from a tragic childhood or lack of confidence in physical appearance). Unfortunately, meanness propagates within school settings and becomes an increasingly ingrained habit (to those who exercise it, of course).

My 7:30 dinner: brown rice, ah thote,
and spaghetti squash soup!

Man, I was going to write and brag about how I was selected as the writer with the "best diction" in my AP Literature class by my most favorite english teacher ever, but looking back at this post, I'm kind of hesitant. I think I have a tendency to butcher words. Maybe it's because I normally don't use certain words that it sounds awkward actually using rather than reading and comprehending. Hmm...

/end post

For self:
Hot Words Practice - Let's use them in sentences!
• I sometimes feel vacuous when it comes to public speaking.
• The vapid classroom environment was extremely soporific.
• Teachers and administrators take my words as unquestionable veracity.
• I am a verdant photographer.
• The venal double agent fleeced an inordinate amount of money from his two clients.

OK, I give up...Wait no, I have one more: This post is far too verbose. Good night.

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