Friday, June 1, 2012

May 25th through 28th

FanimeCon 2012

- Arrived at the Fairmont hotel.
- Waited about 2.5 hours to pick up FanimeCon passes.
- Headed to the Swap Meet held in the ballrooms.
- Became assaulted by the horrendous stench of B.O.
- Braved through and found some Naruto and Pokémon charms for friends.
- Cooked rice with country sausage and baby carrots for dinner.
- Prepared steel-cut oats for the following day's breakfast.

- Swam in the pool with Cindey, Tramy, and Michelle. Sauna with Michelle.
- Visited the Artist's Alley and Dealer's Hall for the first time. Bought a first gift.
- Attended the Butler Cafe fan panel and discovered quite a few odd personalities.
- Went to Safeway twice for meals, buying foods like hummus, sourdough, and Tobasco.
- Ate froyo on the way back to the hotel.
- Watched part of a Sailor Moon S marathon in "Nostalgia Room."
- Slept after watching Land of the Lost starring Will Ferrell, skipping the 18+ Yaoi Bingo Night.
- Friend played piano at 4am in the ballroom. Was hit on by a guy.

- Alternated between a dry sauna and shower.
- Saw things I can never unsee.
- Wandered the "sub-ghetto" with a friend. 
- Purchased veggies from a Vietnamese supermarket to make porridge.
- Finally utilized 18+ status to buy (for someone else) 18+ items...
- Went to the 16+ Yaoi Bingo fan panel.
- Attended the Black and White Ball.
- Dressed friend up in a 100% Egyptian cotton Fairmont bathrobe as an improvised Grudge costume. She put Vaseline + foot powder on her face. I did the blood with not-red-enough lipstick. Attempted to scare people, only accidently scaring two (one in the ballroom while on the grand piano, one standing in front of the elevator). 
- Proceeded to watch Vampire Hunter at Fanime after failing to find a reasonably-priced Rockstar for sale at 2-3am. 
- Returned to hotel to engage in a battle for the bathroom with the guys (who were using it as their bedroom).
- "Shared secrets."

- Woke up and started packing.
- Paid last visits to Artist Alley and Dealer's Hall.
- Met up with best friend's blue-haired and blue-attired friend and window-shopped ("Where am I going to put this? I have no room/use for this...").
- Was picked up by uncle and grandma. Ate mohinga and "played" with little cousin.
- Lamented the end of FanimeCon.

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