Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Graduation. How anticlimactic, but how liberating. How sad that the administration's last gesture for the seniors after a long, hard year was to withhold giving us our diplomas until we picked them up the following (this) week to threaten us to behave during grad night. How great it felt to give my first ever public speech, then be told the following day that it was a bit cheesy, then realizing "cheesy," or sentimental is just genuinely how you were feeling during these surreal weeks, saddened by the fact that not many of the people would experience those emotions and beliefs you expressed in your speech. How appropriate the weather was, bringing about "the winds of change."  How disappointing when no one heard your HP reference at the end of your speech of "Mischief managed." How classy you felt when you ate the most delectable dinner at spend almost $300 on dinner at The Kitchen. How dead you felt by the end of the day, trying to take in everything that just happened within the past couple of days and anticipate the tasks and events within the next couple.

Good morning and ready for graduation?
Snazzy new custom-made graduation gowns
for Terra Nova High School! However, the
oversized sleeves were exacerbated by the
gold trimming.
My graduation cap as accentuated by mom's
three crocheted flowers.
Planned to make piƱata cookies for Wednesday's badminton
party, but it didn't work out...
Checking out my make-up. Oh gosh, I can't even tell the
difference between left and right eyeshadow!
Making basil foccacia as a gift! 
Lemon bar cupcakes and strawberry cheesecake.
Celebratory breakfast: chow.
Then comes the chicken.
Meeting up with friends before the ceremony in front of the
gym, or "the jungle."
Future Harvard graduate on my left! The
would-be valedictorian if a tornado hasn't
swept her up from Kansas to Pacifica...
First family photo in a long time. Definitely the first
without my brother, unfortunately.
Shrimp, our first course, arranged from smallest to
biggest, apparently.
Raw geoduck is the best cut of animal ever.
Some delicious clams cooked with bell peppers.

Steamed fish. Probably rock cod.
Preserved egg yolk-covered and fried crab legs.
The epitome of savory deliciousness.
Always gotta have those stir-fried bean greens.
Best ever lobster (?) noodles!
Met up with this Westmoor graduate,
after dinner, unfortunately.
Kwai ling go, or tortoise shell jelly, yet again. Dad and aunt
sent back red bean dessert to request this without extra cost.
Amazing service, The Kitchen, has.
See the layer of simple syrup at the top?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Barely Sane

  • Saturday
    Brian Shee
    • Hey! How's the last weeks of high school going for you? 

  • 22 hours ago
    Victoria Maung
    • hey brian! I've been meaning to ask you the same thing!

      but anyways, life has been HECTIC. especially this past week. ap testing. senior awards night. sports awards night. multiple final projects due. art show. I actually only had a total of 2 hours of sleep between wednesday, thurs, and friday! plus, there was senior prom I just came back from.

  • 22 hours ago
    Victoria Maung
    • I also had PALs for badminton
    • but I hope things are going swimmingly for you! and the good news is--I sold $150 worth of my artwork! yay 

  • 16 hours ago
    Brian Shee
    • Wow that's a ton of stuff going on. I'm surprised you're still sane. XD

The beginnings of my tree piece titled Ephemeral.
1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough making my 3rd starter!
The healthiest meal I have had in a while:
brown rice, fish, cauliflower, and collard greens.
Anthony Discenza, A Viewing (The Effect) 2009-10 (installation view)
 digital audio installation
© Anthony Discenza


In other words, the featured piece of
my final museum report of art.
Museums sell the best books!
Szechaun leftovers mixed with bell peppers and rice.
Dad's attempt at Szechaun-inspired cuisine.
Physiology final project: poliovirus. Thanks, mom!
Pork liver, one of my favorite meats.
Grandma and I go to our first Terra Nova Art Show!
My tree piece...finished? I guess so, 'cause it
 sold for $70, baby! I feel so accomplished!
Homemade corsage, not too shabby.
Senior prom dinner of chicken, orzo, a few strands of
veggies,and probably some cream-based sauce.
Eating at a table of not-so strangers. See my halter qi pao?
Going for a ride in a limo around San Francisco post-prom.
Ate at Creations after prom. 
Tried "the two weirdest things on the menu":
 bird's nest with crystal snow and steamed
egg whites and kwai ling go , also known as
turtleshell. Bitter, but medicinal.
Whoa, the limo interior is psychedelic!
Tired? More like smudged eyeliner. But yeah, keeping this
picture for future reference for perfectly done eyebrows.
Basil foccacia for my best friend #1. On graduation, basil
 foccacia for  my best friend #2's parents!
Leftover basil sourdough muffins--textural failure.
I wanted it to have a soft, large crust...